10 Amazing Corn Mazes in Connecticut
last updated: January 2024
Corn mazes are a fall tradition in Connecticut. You’ll be impressed by the sheer number of mazes in the state and the mind-boggling creativity that goes into building them. Some are daytime mazes with clues and hints, and some let you come back in the dark with a flashlight if you’ve got the nerve. So if no one’s told you to go get lost lately, maybe it’s time to do it yourself, and bring along family and friends. Can’t get enough? Most are open on weekends, check websites for details.

Corn Maze at Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm
The corn maze at Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm is one of the "biggest and best" corn mazes in the nation according to Time Out magazine! Explore miles of paths, go on a hayride and greet the animals in the barnyard. Then stop by the farm store for festive fall treats including farm fresh ice cream, snacks, and sandwiches.

Wells Hollow Creamery, Shelton
Navigate through the corn maze starting September 30 2022. Enjoy a visit every weekend in October for an adventure through the corn maze, visit with the farm animals, take in the scenery, and enjoy your favorite ice cream treat or homemade apple pie a la mode.

Fort Hill Farms, Thompson
The seven-acre corn maze design is a tribute to “Tree of Life“ and Frederick Law Olmsted. Come walk through the educational corn maze as you learn about sustainable energy. Opens on August 21 and runs to October 31, 2022.

The Farm, Woodbury
This year, get ready to embark on an Alice in Wonderland-themed corn maze with favorite characters including the Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, and more. The unique interactive corn maze is a family experience that goes from September 3 to October 30, 2022. While you are there, pick out the special pumpkin to bring home.

Foster Family Farm, South Windsor
Enjoy the outdoors as you hike through the new corn maze themed "Our Beautiful Earth...Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!” starting September 17, 2022.

Bishop's Orchards Farm, Guilford
This year’s maze is designed in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Newbery Medal. Wander through your favorite story plots and fun facts, finding checkpoints to win fun prizes! The corn maze continues to October 30, 2022. Plus, stop by the farm store for plenty of treats.

Treat Farm, Orange
Visit Treat Farm to experience this popular 6 acre maze from Friday through Sunday starting August 28 and continuing through October 30, 2022. Also, on Friday through Sunday evenings, have fun at their Flashlight Maze.

Lyman Orchards, Middlefield
The 2022 Lyman Orchards Corn Maze transports you back to the electrifying moment Benjamin Franklin flew a kite in a thunderstorm, making the connection between lightning and electricity. 2022 marks the 270th anniversary of Franklin's famous kite flying experiment and the orchard is spot-lighting Ben's discovery along with the key role he played in America's history as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. During your visit through the maze, discover the fascinating connections Ben Franklin has to fashion, fire departments, and even the Flintstones! The corn maze opens on September 3 and runs to November 6, 2022.

Scott's Yankee Farmer, East Lyme
Get lost in this fun family-friendly maze with a Deep Sea Adventure theme. Make sure to make reservations on the weekends.

Castle Hill Farm, Newtown
Come get lost in our seven-acre corn maze on weekends starting October 1 — and don't miss the Night Maze on October 29. The four-acre pumpkin patch is a great experience for all to pick their own pumpkins, gourds, and squash!
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